[st_row][st_column span=”span12″][st_heading ]Our September Newsletter is all about local events of immediate interest:[/st_heading][st_image image_file=”https://therestorativecommunity.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/2018-09-16_1633.png” image_size_wrapper=”” image_size=”full” link_type=”large_image” image_image_size_wrapper=”” image_image_size=”” ][/st_image][st_text ]
ReClaiming Lives: Sept. 2018 |
September’s news includes information on the Prosecutor’s Debate – September 19, 2018 at the First Congregational Church, at 2401 Cornwall in Bellingham. You can come learn about how the Prosecutor is the pivot foot for freedom in Whatcom County – and why that matters to you today! |
What’s Important Right Now |
From the President’s desk, Joy Gilfilen; Most people know little what the job is about. Prosecutor’s have a huge network of influence, and their staff have their fingers in many pies! Their decisions affect every single person’s life in many different ways in Whatcom County! |
Eric Richey vs. James Erb |
Check out these opportunities to speak up, share ideas, ask questions, suggest solutions, learn & stay involved!! Tuesday Sept 17 11:30-1pm – IPRTF Mtg.County Courthouse 5th Floor Rm 513-514 |
What You Should Also Know! |
Monday, Sept 17 when the Incarceration Prevention and Reduction Task Force will be meeting from 9-11:30 PM at the Whatcom County Courthouse, Room 513-514 upstairs! The public is invited, and you have an opportunity to speak for 3 minutes at the end of the discussion! Below is a full list of all the upcoming task force meetings…and it is excellent to go to know what is in truth happening regarding the jail and justice! |
New: TheRestorativeCommunity.org |
Noteworthy News |
ACLU files civil rights suit, says Whatcom County jail policy violates U.S. law It has finally happened. The ACLU is filing charges against jails all over Washington State. Whatcom County has yet to be served but are on the list. This lawsuit is based on allegations that “the jail has a policy of refusing to provide access to medication assisted treatment to treat opioid addiction, which violates the Americans with Disabilities Act.” While this is a critical area of concern we can hope that the investigation uncovers evidence of additional violations of inmate civil rights and that more lawsuits will be filed. Read the full Bellingham Herald article here. It is our belief that far more lawsuits are coming…for the inhumane treatment of people inside the jail continues. |
More Ways to Get Involved! |
We need your help to get the word out! We could use donations of time and money, and great people talking to others! If you love to write, we can help you with talking points to write letters to the editors and e-mails to city and county officials. We musn’t stop here. We all need to continue showing up at meetings of the County & City Councils and of the Incarceration Prevention & Reduction Task Force. Speak up if you feel comfortable but if not your presence is a powerful reminder to them that we are paying attention. You can also become a mentor or court observer. Training by Irene Morgan. Contact Irene for further details: impeace2@whatcomrec.org Have a group or event we could come speak at? We’d be happy to! Whatever your level of engagement is we have something for you. Join us on Facebook and on our website. Please Like US, follow and share our videos, events and posts. |
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