Invitation to Revise: Stop Punishing Taxpayers –
Start Rebuilding Community Report 2015
A Community Engagement Project
Our Coalition is dedicated to raising the civic vitality in all sectors of our community through regenerative economic models. All social ills start with the same ill-health roots, caused by trauma, distress, poverty, homelessness, economic challenges, conflict. People as a result end up making mistakes under stress that leads to anger/conflict, punishment/penalities, and addiction/denial and other dysfunctional behavior. To change our community entropy…we must invest in people at home, work and play. When we do this families are happier, crime rates drop, demand for jail occupancy drops, the need to more police goes down.
It reverses the cycle of recidivism on all fronts.

We will use the original Stop Punishing Taxpayers/Start Rebuilding Community Report as a template to invite the community to update, revise, and add to. It will include new sections that are written by people who have lived experience in each of the following categories for example: Homelessness, Poverty, Displacement.